BSG - Stealth Recon "Stealthstar" - 1/48 scale
A Colonial stealth craft, the Stealthstar was used to spy on the
Cylons. In a recon mission Lieutenant Daniel “Bulldog”
Novacek piloted her beyond the Armistice Line. He was
detected and his ship damaged, presumably by the Cylons,
though the DRADIS contact was labeled as “unknown”.
Commander Adama, under orders not to cross the boundary
decided to shoot down Novacek with a missile to avoid
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions: 9.25"x 4.27"
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BSG - Blackbird - 1/48 scale
The Blackbird is a prototype Colonial stealth
fighter craft constructed by Chief Petty Officer
Galen Tyrol, his deck crews, and other members
of Galactica. This craft was meant to supplement
the Viper, given the issues in maintaining the
remaining craft aboard the battlestar. Chief
Tyrol had originally intended just to build a
standard Viper but ended up building a ship that
was of more value to Galactica than another
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions: 6.8"x 3.4"
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BSG - Advanced Raider - 1/48 scale
This particular model of the Cylon Raider is from Season 4. It has been re-detailed and is sleeker in design.
Also, the “Face” is now a closer representation to the Cylon Centurion.
This kit does not contain any decals. Instructions included. Final Dimensions: 7.3" x 4.5"
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BSG - Battlestar Valkyrie 1/2500 scale
This Battlestar was part of Battlestar Group 41 (BSG-41), and
under Commander Adama’s command prior to his command of
Galactica. The Valkyrie was involved in a Black Ops recon
mission to spy on the Cylons a year before their sneak
attack on the colonies. The Valkyrie is stated as being a
newer and more prestigious ship than the Galactica, and was
also a different type of Battlestar than the Pegasus.
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions: 10.0" x 3.6".
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Stargate - Goa'uld Ha'Tak - 1/2500 scale
A Ha’tak or Goa’uld mothership is a large starship used by the Goa’uld.
Ha’taks are shaped to land on pyramids, although anything similar will suffice. They are equipped with hyperdrives and
can travel over 32,000 times the speed of light.
Along with carrying squadrons of death gliders and other support ships, as well as thousands of Jaffa troops, Ha’taks can also
assault planets directly from orbit. They are armed with staff cannons scattered over the hull. They are protected by
powerful energy shields capable of repelling conventional, nuclear, and energy weapons.
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions: 6.16" diameter x 2.66" tall.
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Stargate - Asgard O'Neill - 1/2500
The O’Neill class is the most advanced starship constructed by the Asgard. Designed specifically to
fight the Replicators, it Incorporates all of their latest technology with its armaments and defenses substantially
superior to earlier Asgard motherships. The first ship of this type, also named O’Neill, named after Colonel Jack
O’Neill of SG-1. The unfinished O’Neill was used as bait to draw the Replicators away, giving the Asgard time to
evacuate their civilization. The Replicators pursued the O’Neill into hyperspace, where they were destroyed when the
O’Neill’s self-destructed.
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions: 5.89" x 5.1".
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BSG - Escort Carrier Berzerk - 1/2500
Information Not available. This kit is in development not yet available.
Instructions and decals are included. Final Dimensions:
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BSG - Advanced Raider - 1/24 (studio scale)
This particular model of the Cylon Raider is from Season 4. It has been re-detailed and is sleeker in
design. Also, the "Face" is now a closer representation to the Cylon Centurion.
This kit does not contain any decals. Instructions included. Final Dimensions: 14.6" x 9.19".
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BSG - Razor Raider - 1/48
A throw back design to the original series and named the Razor Raider by fans, this
version of the Cylon Raider was used in the first Cylon War against the Colonials. The Raider is big and bulky making it
an easy target. It is piloted by 3 Cylon Centurions. One taking the position of pilot, one as gunner and 3rd as a
supervisor. The later being "gold" plated instead of chrome.
The Raider appeared in both "flash back" and present days scenes in the Battlestar Galactica movie Razor and made it’s
way into the series finale.
The model has a wing span of 12.5" and in 10.5" nose to tail. Instructions and decals are included.
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ST:E - Andorian Battle Cruiser - 1/1000
The first ship of this class, the Kumari, was commanded by Commander Thy’lek Shran from 2142 to 2154.
The Andorian battle cruiser was considerably more rugged than the designs utilized by contemporary United Earth
Starfleet vessels. Like all Andorian combat vessels, the Andorian battle cruiser was constructed using a “significant
quantity” of duranium alloy and despite the vessel’s fairly large size, it was crewed by a complement of only
The outboard plan consists of a central “spine” that contained a vertically bifurcated forward hull containing
several decks. The central “spine” gradually narrowed toward the aft section of the ship where it connected to two
vertically stacked warp nacelles. Located midway down the “spine” were a pair of forward-swept wings which contain the
impulse engines and defensive systems.
This model of the Andorian battle cruiser is approx 14.5" long, 7.5" wide and 2.5" high. Instructions included.
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ST:E - Vulcan Command Cruiser - 1/2500
The D’Kyr type vessel was used by the Vulcan High Command active during the 2150s.
The outboard plan of the Vulcan combat cruiser’s design consisted of a flattened, conical shaped hull that flared
out and around the annular-warp nacelles and coming back together at the aft section of the ship, where the impulse
engines were placed.
Ship’s of this class were armed with both photonic and particle weapons, as well as deflector shield technology.
Particle beam emplacements include a forward emitter, two ventral emitters, and two aft emitters. In combat, these
vessels were superior in firepower to Starfleet’s NX class and nearly comparable in firepower to the Andorian battle
It is capable of traveling a hundred light years in a few weeks. When the warp drive was not in use, the ship’s
annular-warp nacelle was dropped into the vertical position; when the engines were powered down, or preparing to launch
its auxiliary craft, the nacelle was folded horizontally into the primary hull.
Known names in this class: D’Kyr, Seleya and Tal’Kir. The model is 9.69" long x 4.6" wide. Instructions included.
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SA: - Puddlejumper - 1/48
Gateships, more often dubbed Puddle Jumpers by the Tau’ri, are small spacecraft created by the
Ancients. Several of these ships were discovered in various hangars in Atlantis, and are used by the Atlantis Expedition
for various purposes. Gateships feature retractable thrusters that allow them to travel through a Stargate, as
well as powerful drone weapons for self-defense and a cloaking device to avoid detection. They are operated via
neural interface, and so the ATA gene is required to activate and pilot the ship.
The name “puddle jumper” is a visual pun on the ship’s ability to travel through the event horizon of a Stargate
(an action also referred to as “Threading the Needle”), which resembles a pool of water.
The Asurans referred to these ships as “gateships”, possibly indicating that the Ancients also called them that in their
The model is approximately 8" long. It does NOT contain an interior. (As in most cases the
interior set designed for the "jumper" does no fit into the CGI design). Instructions included.
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BSG: - Battlestar Pegasus - 1/4105 |
Battlestar Pegasus is a Mercury
Class Battlestar, assigned to Battlestar Group 62 of the Colonial Fleet. She had docked at Scorpion Fleet Shipyards
for a three-month overhaul. The Cylons’ hit the shipyard with several nuclear warheads, destroying five ships,
including two Battlestars. Pegasus survived the attack by performing a blind FTL jump. Approximately six months later
she encountered the Galactica and her fleet.
Pegasus was destroyed in action when she is able to divert the attention of the four Cylon Basestars attacking
Galactica, allowing time for her FTL drives to be repaired. One Cylon Basestar is critically damaged by Pegasus’ forward
main batteries. After Galactica jumps away, Pegasus (now heavily damaged) is locked into a suicide course, rams a
Basestar, destroying it. The explosion causes the battlestar to fragment, the starboard hangar pod collides with and
destroys another Basestar.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. It contains cavities in the hulls that allow for lighting.
The CG models texture mapping was applied to the surface of the model resulting in scribe lines which make it look
massive.; Kit has open Landing Bays complete with decals. A very nice addition that the Moebius
Galactica which is also 1:4105 scale.
The model kit is approximately 17.7" x 7" x 3.16". Instructions and decals are included.
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BSG: - Recon Raptor - 1/32
The Raptor is usually operated by a crew of two (one pilot and one ECO), has synthetic gravity
on board, and is controlled by means of a fly-by-wire system (Rapture). It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also
equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make short faster-than-light hops. Due to its size and shape, a
Raptor is not launched from a battlestar’s launch tube, rather, it deploys from the forward end of a flight pod. The
vehicle has been a mainstay of the Colonial fleet for over 40 years, having entered service sometime prior to the
twelfth year of the first Cylon War. Its versatility and reliability in various roles has likely prevented it from
being phased out by newer Colonial craft. This is the Recon version of the Raptor.
A very nice addition that the Moebius Mk II and Mk VII Vipers which are also 1:32 scale.
The model kit is approximately 12" x 7.3" x 4.3 Instructions and decals are included.
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BSG: - Assult Raptor - 1/32
The Raptor is usually operated by a crew of two (one pilot and one ECO), has synthetic gravity
on board, and is controlled by means of a fly-by-wire system (Rapture). It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also
equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make short faster-than-light hops. Due to its size and shape, a
Raptor is not launched from a battlestar’s launch tube, rather, it deploys from the forward end of a flight pod. The
vehicle has been a mainstay of the Colonial fleet for over 40 years, having entered service sometime prior to the
twelfth year of the first Cylon War. Its versatility and reliability in various roles has likely prevented it from
being phased out by newer Colonial craft. This is the Assault or Heavy version of the Raptor that includes
multiple weapons packs.
A very nice addition that the Moebius Mk II and Mk VII Vipers which are also 1:32 scale.
The model kit is approximately 12" x 7.3" x 4.3". Instructions and decals are included. |
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BSG: - Rescue Raptor - 1/32
The Raptor is usually operated by a crew of two (one pilot and one ECO), has synthetic gravity
on board, and is controlled by means of a fly-by-wire system (Rapture). It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also
equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make short faster-than-light hops. Due to its size and shape, a
Raptor is not launched from a battlestar’s launch tube, rather, it deploys from the forward end of a flight pod. The
vehicle has been a mainstay of the Colonial fleet for over 40 years, having entered service sometime prior to the
twelfth year of the first Cylon War. Its versatility and reliability in various roles has likely prevented it from
being phased out by newer Colonial craft. This is the Rescue version of the ship that was seen in the TV
movie "The Plan".
A very nice addition that the Moebius Mk II and Mk VII Vipers which are also 1:32 scale.
The model kit is approximately 12" x 7.3" x 4.3". Instructions and decals are included. |
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BSG: - Battlestar Galactica - 1/2500
Galactica was one of the first twelve battlestars to be constructed by the Colonials, each
representing one of the twelve colonies; The Galactica represented Caprica. She is some 50 years old. Rather than
technological sophistication, the Battlestar depended on its sheer bulk and defensive / offensive capabilities to ward
off any threats to itself or the Colonies.
Galactica was relegated to intra-system duties for at least 20 years prior to her decommissioning. Colonial Fleet
chose not to scrap her, but to turn her into a combination of living museum to the original Cylon War and an
educational center. At the time of her formal decommissioning ceremony, Galactica’s starboard landing pod
is converted into a pressurized museum which housed a full squadron of Mk. II Vipers.
The model kit is approximately 22.5" x 8.61". Instructions and decals are included. |
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BSG: - Battlestar Pegasus (Mini) - 1/9600
Battlestar Pegasus is a Mercury Class Battlestar, assigned to Battlestar Group 62 of the
Colonial Fleet. She had docked at Scorpion Fleet Shipyards for a three-month overhaul. The Cylons’ hit the shipyard
with several nuclear warheads, destroying five ships, including two Battlestars. Pegasus survived the attack by
performing a blind FTL jump. Approximately six months later she encountered the Galactica and her fleet.
Pegasus was destroyed in action when she is able to divert the attention of the four Cylon Basestars attacking
Galactica, allowing time for her FTL drives to be repaired. One Cylon Basestar is critically damaged by Pegasus’ forward
main batteries. After Galactica jumps away, Pegasus (now heavily damaged) is locked into a suicide course, rams a
Basestar, destroying it. The explosion causes the battlestar to fragment, the starboard hangar pod collides with and
destroys another Basestar.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Kit has open Landing Bays complete with decals. Instructions and decals are included.
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BSG: - Battlestar Galactica (Mini) - 1/9600
Galactica was one of the first twelve battlestars to be constructed by the Colonials, each
representing one of the twelve colonies; The Galactica represented Caprica. She is some 50 years old. Rather than
technological sophistication, the battlestar depended on its sheer bulk and defensive / offensive capabilities to ward
off any threats to itself or the Colonies.
Galactica was relegated to intra-system duties for at least 20 years prior to her decommissioning. Colonial Fleet
chose not to scrap her, but to turn her into a combination of living museum to the original Cylon War and an
educational center. At the time of her formal decommissioning ceremony, Galactica’s starboard landing pod
is converted into a pressurized museum which housed a full squadron of Mk. II Vipers.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Kit has open Landing Bays complete with decals. Instructions and decals are included. |
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BSG: - Guardian (Hybrid) Baseship (Mini) - 1/9600
The Guardian Baseship was constructed by the Cylons at the end of the first Cylon War
and is a part of the evolution towards modern Baseship design. The first Hybrid to be developed was integrated into
the systems of this ship.
During Operation Raptor Talon, Lieutenant William Adama was shot down over an ice planet
and encountered a facility where the Cylons were experimenting on humans in several ways, eventually creating
the first Hybrid. Unable to free surviving captives as the facility began to crumble around him, Adama witnessed the
launch of the Guardian Baseship. Approximately 40 years later, the vessel is once again encountered by the Colonial
While searching for a missing Raptor, Starbuck and Showboat encounter a squadron of Raiders identical to the models used
in the Cylon War. Outnumbered by the enemy, the two pilots retreat towards the safety of Pegasus.
Sharon Agathon recalls the legend of the Guardians; a faction of Centurions that broke away
from the core group when they were to be replaced with newer, non-sentient models. They were given the name
‘Guardians’ because the Baseship they escaped with carried the first Hybrid, a figure that these Centurions worshiped
like a deity.
Having learned the vessel’s likely location from the Raider’s navigational computer, Pegasus jumps into the
vicinity of the ship, and instigates the Battle of the Guardian Baseship. The Pegasus seems to be a match for it by
itself and it is ultimately destroyed by Major Kendra Shaw who detonates a nuke on board after talking with the First
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions are included.
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BSG: - Advanced Cylon Baseship (Mini) - 1/9600
The modern Baseships, seen some 40 years after the end of the Cylon War, are approximately
the same size as a Colonial Battlestar but appear to be more technologically advanced. The shape of the newer Baseship
reflects its nickname, Basestar, with two Y-shaped hulls attached at their centers by a single pylon, the warship has
a distinctive "star" shape.
They are equipped with a superior jump system and no visible means of sub light
propulsion, lacking any engine pods or nacelles, but remain capable of chasing down a Battlestar. They can rotate their
upper and lower halves into a tandem-Y configuration for entry into a planetary atmosphere. They have a small fleet
fighters, known as Raiders, and are capable of deploying hundreds of these ships simultaneously. The enormous number
of Raiders serves as a Baseship’s primary defense system.
Like Raiders, Baseships are partially organic. When severely damaged, they can sustain
large, fleshy "wounds". Moreover, they are capable of healing themselves.
A Baseship is capable of launching conventional or nuclear missiles from 220 turret launchers mounted
throughout the arms and central axis that pivot to allow the Baseship to fire in any direction. They have a complement of
Raiders is estimated as high as 792 fighters, not counting fighters in repair or otherwise off-line. It should be noted
that there are a total of 864 Raider launch slots on the arms.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions are included.
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BSG: - Colonial Defender (Mini) - 1/9600
Also referred to as "Wedge type", the Colonial Defender is a support vessel in service with the Colonial Fleet by the tenth year of the First Cylon
During the First Cylon War, one of these ships is reported destroyed by Cylon forces, and
hidden away within Cylon controlled space. This is a ruse created by the Colonial Fleet in order to hide away a large
amount of units in preparation for an offensive against Cylons targets
After the Fall of the Colonies, two of these ships escape with Galactica, though it is unknown if they share the same
military role, as Galactica is initially the only known military vessel to have survived the attacks, and these
ships do not participate in any post exodus engagements with the Cylons.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed and instructions are included.
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BSG: - Cylon Baseship (Mini) - 1/9600
The Baseship is the Cylon counterpart of the Colonial Battlestar. The Baseship has
also been called a Basestar and a Cylon Battlestar in one episode but "Basestar" conforms to the Colonial ship naming
The Cylon Basestars are considerably larger than Battlestars and are a superior
warship in a technological respect as it carries stronger weapons in greater quantity and carries a greater fighter
complement as well. (Basestars can hold up to 300 Cylon Raiders.) Because of this, the Galactica and her crew prefer
to avoid combat with them as much as possible. They are propelled by a reaction less drive that appears to make the
ship spin slowly on its axis while engaged.
A Basestar’s shape is that of two saucers joined to each other at their axis. The saucers are externally
identical and some of the functions that they house are redundant of each other. Each saucer contains a hangar deck
at its center, accessible from several large hatches distributed across the top of the cone. Unlike a battlestar,
a basestar’s hangar is closed with a hatch when not in use. All decks are connected by the Core, which allows access to
any deck via a ladder. The Control Center or bridge is at the bottom of the core; the Control Center suite also
includes the ship’s sensor control computers. Its armaments include: Mega-Pulsars, Laser Turrets and Missile Turrets.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed and instructions are included.
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SG:U - Destiny (Mini) - 1/9600
Destiny is a ship in the Ancient fleet, constructed and launched over 50 million
years ago from Earth. The Ancients launched several automated ships prior to Destiny, each with the purpose of
constructing and seeding Stargates throughout the numerous galaxies they crossed, with Destiny itself planned to follow
in their path to explore those planets.
After beginning this process, the Ancients initially planned to wait until the ship reached a sufficient distance
from Earth to board it. However, because of other endeavors, such as ascension, they never followed through on the plan.
Because of this, Destiny has continued on a pre-programmed path on its journey throughout the stars, alone, for
millions of years. With the arrival of a Tau’ri expedition in 2009, Destiny has a new crew.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed and instructions are included.
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BSG:BandC - Mk III Viper - 1/32
The Viper Mark III is a fighter craft used by the Colonial Fleet in the latter part of the Cylon War. It is the successor of the Viper Mark II and a precursor
to fighters used by the Fleet following the war, including the Viper Mark VII.
The Mark III retains the same shape and layout as the Mark II, however is slightly larger than the predecessor. It featured a drab grey paint scheme with red
accents along the wings and nose, and identification numbers printed along the front side and along the vertical stabilizer.
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BSG: TOS Galactica (mini) - 1/9600 |
This is a 9600th scale model of the Original Galactica! This is a companion piece to the BA-023 Cylon Baseship.
Get a bunch, make a fleet! Additional names available.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions and Decals are included.
Approx. 7" long x 3" wide.
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BSG:Galactica Flak Canon - 1/144
This is a 144th scale model of the main batteries of the Galactica refered to as "Flak" Canons. They provide cover fire for Vipers as well
as create a sheid to destroy enemy missiles at a safe distance from the ship.
These are usually found in placements of 4 and are found on the belly and the spine of Galactica.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions and Decals are included. The Base is sold seperately. (See BA-031-A)
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BSG:Galactica Flak Canon Base #1 - 1/144
This is Base #1 of 4 for the BA-031 Flak Canon.
This kit along with the other bases and Flak Canon kits will allow you to create a 144th scale section of Galactica's upper hull.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed and instructions are included.
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BSG:BandC - Cylon War Raptor - Wild Weasel - 1/32
The Raptor is usually operated by a crew of two (one pilot and one ECO), has synthetic gravity on board, and is controlled by means of a
fly-by-wire system (Rapture). It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make
short faster-than-light hops. Due to its size and shape, a Raptor is not launched from a battlestar’s launch tube, rather, it deploys from
the forward end of a flight pod. The vehicle has been a mainstay of the Colonial fleet for over 40 years, having entered service sometime
prior to the twelfth year of the first Cylon War. Its versatility and reliability in various roles has likely prevented it from being phased
out by newer Colonial craft.
This Clon War verson is also equiped with a Tail Gun and extended rear cabin to accommidate the gunner.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions and Decals are included.
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ST:DS9 - Romulan Shuttle - 1/72
The Romulan Shuttle was only seend in 1 episode of DS9 titled "In the Pale Moonlight".
Sisko tries to get teh Romuland into the Dominion war by inviting Vreenak, an influential Romulan senator, to Deep Space Nine in secret.
Sisko shows Vreenak the recording and gives him the data rod to verify its authenticity. However, Sisko discovers shortly afterwards that
Vreenak has recognized the recording as a fake, after which Vreenak quickly departs the station. As Sisko prepares to face the possibility
that his actions may force the Romulans to join with the Dominion once Vreenak returns to the Empire, he learns that Vreenak's ship was
destroyed en route.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed. Instructions and Decalsare included.
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SG:U - Destiny - 1/4105
Destiny is a ship in the Ancient fleet, constructed and launched over 50 million
years ago from Earth. The Ancients launched several automated ships prior to Destiny, each with the purpose of
constructing and seeding Stargates throughout the numerous galaxies they crossed, with Destiny itself planned to follow
in their path to explore those planets.
After beginning this process, the Ancients initially planned to wait until the ship reached a sufficient distance
from Earth to board it. However, because of other endeavors, such as ascension, they never followed through on the plan.
Because of this, Destiny has continued on a pre-programmed path on its journey throughout the stars, alone, for
millions of years. With the arrival of a Tau’ri expedition in 2009, Destiny has a new crew.
This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed and instructions are included.
7 3/4" long X 5 1/2" wide.
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